Serious studies on the many risks of statins

I have decided to post a quick data rebuttal, after the publishing of a few misguided headlines (i.e ” Statins have virtually no side-effects, study finds”, and “Give statins to all over-40s, says heart surgery pioneer”, from the London Telegraph ).  This coincides with the wildly unsubstantiated recommendations being presented in prescribing statins . I felt I was left with little choice to link some of the extreme risks associated with statins, that the media somehow forgot to cover. I only had time to post these few, since I am currently working on other projects.


It is all about Risk to Benefit Ratio – You have a right to know both. You also have the right to access non industry sponsored peer reviewed studies on the benefits of statins ( #? ), when weighing your options.

Thank you for reading,

Ralph Turchiano –

  1. Statins have unexpected effect on pool of powerful brain cells : Reduces Glial progenitor cells
  2. Statins Lower Testosterone, Libido
  3. Long-term effects of statin therapy could lead to transient or permanent cognitive impairment
  4. Most heart attack patients’ cholesterol levels did not indicate cardiac risk: half of the patients with a history of heart disease had LDL cholesterol levels lower than 100 mg/dL
  5. Cure-all? Statins have had no effect on Britain’s heart disease rate, study claims
  6. Cholesterol-drugs cause unusual swellings within neurons resulting in cognitive disturbances
  7. Cholesterol medicine affects energy production in muscles: Up to 75 per cent of patients
  8. Statins: Benefits questionable in low-risk patients
  9. Cholesterol-reducing drugs may lessen brain function, says ISU researcher
  10. New insights into link between anti-cholesterol statin drugs and depression
  11. Cholesterol Lowerings Drugs May Create Manifestations of severe irritability included homicidal impulses, threats to others, road rage, generation of fear in family members, and damage to property.
  12. Wider use of statins ‘disturbing’
  13. Statins being overprescribed for growing number of kidney disease patients / But may Kill faster
  14. Statins risk for women: Taking cholesterol-lowering drug for more than ten years ‘doubles chances of the most common breast cancer’
  15. Statins block the ability of exercise to improve fitness levels
  16. Co-Q10 deficiency may relate to statin drugs, diabetes risk
  17. New insights into link between anti-cholesterol statin drugs and depression
  18. First comprehensive paper on statins’ adverse effects released: Benefits have not been found to exceed their risks in those over 70 or 75 years old, even those with heart disease
  19. Cholesterol Drugs ( Statins ) may contribute to Atherosclerosis
  20. Statins increase risk of postoperative delirium in elderly patients: 28% Increase
  21. Statins are unlikely to prevent blood clots
  22. Relationship between statins and cognitive decline more complex than thought
  23. Statins may increase risk of interstitial lung abnormalities in smokers
  24. Statins show dramatic drug and cell dependent effects in the brain
  25. Muscle damage may be present in some patients taking statins
  26. Millions of patients may be on statins needlessly
  27. Statin warning for pregnant women
  28. Cholesterol-lowering drug linked to sleep disruptions – Possibly promoting weight gain and insulin resistance
  29. Cholesterol-lowering drugs and the effect on muscle repair and regeneration
  30. Study finds association between low cholesterol levels and cancer
  31. ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Not As Bad As People Think, Shows Texas A&M Study Texas A&M News & Information Service
  32. Low cholesterol associated with cancer in diabetics ( cancers of digestive organs and peritoneum, genital and urinary organs, lymphatic and blood tissues )
  33. Cholesterol-lowering drugs and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke






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    Serious studies on the many risks of statins
