Now TSA agents are testing drinks purchased INSIDE the airport

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED:23:18 EST, 3  September 2012| UPDATED:23:23 EST, 3 September 2012

Travelers’ angst is being taken up a notch  now that TSA agents are adding yet another seemingly arbitrary security check at  airports.

The federal agency is now deploying its staff  to test beverages purchased by travelers after they were screened at the  security checkpoint.

Video from the Columbus, Ohio Airport,  uploaded to YouTube on Monday, show security personnel canvassing a departure  gate, asking people at random if they could check their drinks for explosives.

Scroll down for  video.

Columbus, Ohio

It looks like water but you never know: TSA Agents at  the Columbus, Ohio airport test a woman’s water bottle at the departure gate

‘I couldn’t help but notice the two TSA women  that were ‘testing’ any and all liquids that people had in their  hands.’

‘Now remember that this is inside the  terminal, well beyond the security check and purchased inside the terminal …  just people waiting to get on the plane,’ according to the traveler who took the  video and posted the footage on YouTube.

‘My wife and son came back from a coffee shop  just around the corner, then we were approached. I asked them what they were  doing. One of the TSA ladies said that they were checking for explosive  chemicals (as we are drinking them). I said ‘really..inside the terminal? You  have got to be kidding me.’

‘I asked them if they wanted to swab us all.  She responded with something like, yes sometimes we need to do that. I then  asked if she wanted a urine sample.

‘The TSA is way out of control. I understand  that my ranting to one of these $11.00 per hour TSA goons probably does nothing,  but you have to say something. Whats next…perhaps the TSA will come to your  home prior to your drive to the airport? The police state of the U.S. is OUT OF  CONTROL!’

Before you

Before you drink that, let’s test for explosives: TSA  Agents also inspect a man’s Starbucks Coffee

Liquid test

Liquid test: Agents test a passenger’s coconut water in  their beverage security screen

Analysts say the TSA is not detailing if the  new measures are in response to any new threat.

The agency first began limiting the amount of  liquids passengers could take on board in 2006, when security officials say a UK  bomb plot, that relied on liquid explosives, was foiled.

Currently all liquids, gels and aerosols must  be 3.4 ounces or smaller to take on board.

But once a passenger’s bag is screened at the  security checkpoint at the airport terminal, travelers are free to purchase  liquids of any size at the concession stands before they board the plane.

‘They’re worried someone could bring an  ingredient past security and then mix it with a drink that turns into something  else – a poison or something else,’ Ryan Mauro, a national security analyst,  told FOX News in July, when the new TSA security measures were first noticed.

Travelers often complain

Travelers often complain about seemingly arbitrary  security measures taken by TSA agents (like those pictured at the John Wayne  Airport in Orange County, Calif.)

Though the agency has not confirmed the  motivation for the increased visibility of the new measure, analysts suspect it  could be linked to a new threat by a Norwegian al Qaeda member, who has a  spotless record and is not listed on any watch list, allowing him to travel  freely.

In June, reports emerged the man had been  trained in Yemen to blow up a U.S. airliner.

‘TSA employs multiple layers of security  throughout the airport where passengers may be randomly selected for additional  screening,’ the agency said in a statement this summer in response to the  beverage crack down.

‘One measure may include testing liquids that  are in a passenger’s possession,’ the statement added

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Categories: Control, Inhibiting Self Determination,, Extremism, Harrasment, Societal

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